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Posts posted by MM23

  1. My system went offline so I rebooted and got this error on the console:

    Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)


    Prior to the kernel panic message I also get these lines

    /dev/root: can't open blockdev

    VFS: can't open root device "(null)" or unknown-block(0,0): error -6

    Please append a correct "root=" boot option; Here are the available partitions

    and then it lists several partitions


    I can't attach any diagnostic logs because of no boot.

    My system is on version 6.8.3

  2. 2 hours ago, severanced said:

    Having to change the way you work so that the program itself functions is pretty bad logic, especially for something that the programmer has said would be trivial to implement but he won't because he doesn't organize his collection that way. That's pretty bad. I have 10,000's of doujins/manga and converting them to archives for another program that's less feature rich would be quite time consuming.

    It's really not.

    for i in * ; do zip -vr "$i.zip" "$i" ; mv "$i.zip" /mnt/user/$CONTENT ; done

    With a simple batch command I converted about 4000 doujins this way in a matter of hours.

  3. On 1/10/2021 at 2:22 PM, xyzeratul said:

    I'd say lanraragi is a much better choice, I tried hpx long time ago, totally a mess in UI management.


    Maybe I should give it another go, see how things improved in one year.

    Agree with this, I liked the design of HPX but it was too buggy and unfinished for me. Dev did not seem terribly active either. LRR works smoothly for me, just a shame it's not as feature-rich as HPX with regards to tagging and organizing.


    On 1/12/2021 at 2:33 PM, severanced said:

    Your comment made me look at Lanraragi, the damn thing doesn't work with folders of images, only archives, total dead weight out the door.

    This isn't much of a complaint, archives are the more common way of distributing manga online and more convenient overall IMO. If you have an existing library of content that is in folders, it's trivial to convert them to archives.

  4. Recently my setup has been having periods where all Docker containers become unreponsive, and even the Docker page is inaccessible (infinitely loading). At these times my server CPU load is at 100% on all cores, but I can't tell if a single process is causing it through htop. I thought it was a failing cache disk causing it but I replaced my SSD last week and I'm still having the same problem. I attached my diagnostics file from today, when I woke up this morning Docker wasn't working but now 5 hours later everything is back to normal.


  5. On 9/7/2020 at 1:35 PM, Glassed Silver said:

    It is working on my end...

    Maybe try deleting and re-adding the template with a clean config and cleared folders?

    I did that, I'm still getting the same issue...

    error.log gives me:

    Oct-10 00:20:00--ERROR  happypanda.main: Failed to configure built-in ESearch server, process exit code: still running; also see /data/logs/esearch_stdout.log 
    Oct-10 00:20:27--WARNING happypanda.main: Could not establish connection to ESearch server, aborting. 

    esearch_stdout.log doesn't give any more clarity on the problem.

  6. On 9/12/2020 at 4:43 PM, tzahi12345 said:


    Dev here! You can find the interval over in the settings, it's in the Main tab, called "Check interval". See attached image for reference.


    Let me know if you have any other questions!


    Thanks for the helpful response! I love your software by the way, is there anyway you can make it so we can edit an existing subscription, or at least be able to check existing subscription's arguments from the GUI? It would help a lot to know what settings I've set on previous subscriptions.

  7. Yesterday I recived two new Seagate Exos and began the process of installing them. My motherboard only has 4 SATA ports so I also bought a PCIe SATA expansion card as well. I had some issues getting my system to boot a few times, so I had to reboot a few times (and cleared my CMOS because I was following a guide) until I worked out that I was using the wrong SATA power cable.

    I found a SATA power extension cable from my PSU manufacturer and hooked up all my drives. So now my system boots, but on the array screen it only recognizes three out of six drives (the two new Exos, and one of my previous WD Reds). I reseated the cables a few times to make sure that was not the issue but no luck. So now I am worried that either (hopefully) 1. the power supply does not support six drives being powered on one cable or (worse) 2. I damaged the controllers on the 3 non-working drives. Can anyone help me diagnose this issue? Thanks!

  8. Just yesterday I discovered an issue where I don't seem to have write permissions on samba on a private share which I had before, creating folders, moving files etc. I haven't had to re-enter my credentials and I checked the user and it remains the same. I have the same issue trying to connect on Windows and Linux.

  9. I was playing around with a Debian 10 VM, tried to change the GPU from VNC to my APU, which caused the entire server to freeze up. I did a hard shutdown (stupid) and after restarting, I couldn't connect to Deluge, Sonarr, and Jellyfin dockers, and the settings on Jackett and Radarr were reset to about a week ago. I looked into appdata share for logs and found it completely empty. I canceled the ongoing parity check incase it can be restored.


  10. How do I force Deluge to respect the selected download folders that Sonarr creates in my Media directory? Sonarr does the right thing and creates series folders in /data/Media, but Deluge automatically downloads the series to its default download directory /data/Torrents/completed. Is there some way for me to tell Sonarr to move them once they finish downloading?


    In the logs I get a "Import failed, path does not exist or is not accessible by Sonarr" error, but I've made both /data/Torrents and /data/Media available to Sonarr in the config. What am I doing wrong here? I attached a picture of my configuration page.


  11. I changed ISPs and installed a new router (Ubiquity Edgerouter X), and upon boot I found that //Tower no longer resolves to my 6.7.2 server. "ifconfig eth0" didn't give me an IPv4 address as per the configuration tutorial and I'm not sure where to go next. I attached the diagnostics log if that's needed.



    Ryzen 3 2200G

    ASRock A320 M-ITX


    Thanks for any help.


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