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Posts posted by jb426

  1. Hey guys, just posting an update. Managed to figure out my issue, it was indeed bad RAM. I had run a lengthy memtest before but it had shown no errors, but I came across another weird issue at the same time with torrents where they would be downloaded 100%, but the files would have corrupt sections upon playing and force rechecking the torrent would show it was 98% with small missing pieces in the files. Classic bad memory sign. My docker image was getting btrfs corruption too. So I just took out the ram and replaced it and everything seems fine now. I ran a correcting parity check that found ~500 errors and am now running a non-correcting parity check with no errors yet at 30%, so far so good since errors would pop up immediately before. Torrents are working correctly again. I'll move some files onto the array afterwards and run another check just to be sure. Big thanks to @trurl for the help in diagnosing that it was likely a memory issue. Will mark this post as solved.

  2. Hey, need some help as I feel I'm stuck in a bizarre parity check loop.


    Put my server into some new hardware that I thought was stable, turns out it freezes when a VM is running. So there have been a few unclean shutdowns recently. So until I figure that out I put my drives back into the old hardware that had been stable with no issues before.


    After booting into the old HW I: 

    1. Ran a error correcting parity check, found and corrected 865 errors.

    2. Ran a non-correcting check to see if the errors were fixed, they were not so I stopped it.

    3. Ran another error correcting check, found even more errors (1355)

    4. Ran another non-correcting check, errors were still popping up immediately.

    5. Stopped array, ran xfs_repair on the drives, doesn't appear to have any errors

    6. Currently running File Integrity on my drives, no errors or corruption showing up yet, so is it just the parity drive messed up atm?


    Not sure what is going on, no drives have smart errors that I can see, the stability issues are not present in this machine that I'm using, I'm considering just rebuilding parity from scratch at this point to see if that fixes it. Any ideas? I've attached my diagnostics. Thanks in advance.



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