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Posts posted by OopsAllBerrys

  1. I just switched to the stable docker since my Phaze plugin stopped working. Unraid installed 3.0.7300 and on the dashboard homepage it said a newer release of Emby was available. I was able to upgrade Emby by running "docker exec EmbyServer update" from the command. I don't know why it didn't pull down the latest release at time of install or why unraid didn't say an update was available.

  2. With the LT template, OpenELEC doesn't like changing the refresh rate to match the video and DTS-HD and TrueHD work. I've also run into the problem where I will reboot the VM and all the settings for Kodi are reset (skin, weather addon, etc.).


    With a generic OpenELEC VM, OpenELEC changes the refresh rate fine to match the video; but DTS-HD and TrueHD do not work.




    What kind of hardware are you using? On my machines I have both refresh rate match and HD Audio passthrough working. I have also not experienced a loss of settings upon reboot.



    I am running a Radeon HD 6450. If I turn match refresh rate off, HD audio passthrough works at 60Hz on both the LT template and the generic VM. It seems like this is a driver issue from AMD after some Googling. Looks like I need to find a cheap NVIDIA card that will support HD audio passthrough at 24 Hz.

  3. With the LT template, OpenELEC doesn't like changing the refresh rate to match the video and DTS-HD and TrueHD work. I've also run into the problem where I will reboot the VM and all the settings for Kodi are reset (skin, weather addon, etc.).


    With a generic OpenELEC VM, OpenELEC changes the refresh rate fine to match the video; but DTS-HD and TrueHD do not work.

  4. Trying something out. I unattached the Unraid USB from the VM and removed the USB controller; I added in a XHCI USB controller instead of the EHCI+UHCI USB controller and re-attached my Unraid USB to the VM.


    Plop does not support booting from XHCI devices so I used PlopKexec (same author as Plop) and was able to boot off the USB. It actually boots A LOT faster than Plop, like ~30 seconds vs the 5 minutes of Plop.


    So far I have not seen any of these USB reset errors. I'll report back tomorrow with more results.


    Nice find!! Did you just use the default iso? I don't see a GUI builder like for PLOP.


    I used the default iso.


    I spoke too soon; I see the following errors:

    Jun 15 22:53:13 DeathStar kernel: usb 1-2.1: reset high-speed USB device number 5 using xhci_hcd

    Jun 15 22:53:28 DeathStar kernel: usb 1-2.1: device descriptor read/64, error -110


    I read that the -110 error means that the USB device is trying to pull too much power from the USB bus, something very strange is going on and I am definitely thinking we need to point fingers at the new kernel.

  5. Trying something out. I unattached the Unraid USB from the VM and removed the USB controller; I added in a XHCI USB controller instead of the EHCI+UHCI USB controller and re-attached my Unraid USB to the VM.


    Plop does not support booting from XHCI devices so I used PlopKexec (same author as Plop) and was able to boot off the USB. It actually boots A LOT faster than Plop, like ~30 seconds vs the 5 minutes of Plop.


    So far I have not seen any of these USB reset errors. I'll report back tomorrow with more results.

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