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Posts posted by Slik

  1. Current Version: 6.9.0 Beta 35
    Setup: Dual 2667 V2's 256Gb Ram 30TB

    VM: 4 Cores + 12 Gb RAM + GTX 1080 TI + 120Gb VDisk on NVME (New Pool / single hardware xfs pool). Currently set to qemu / raw.



    Moved Domains, Iso and Libvert on the NVME (Libvert direct / Domains & Iso via Shares). Fresh install of Windows 10 Pro and keep getting the follow speeds. I know it will not be as good as direct hardware due to it being a vdisk, but the extremely slow speeds is what bothers me. I have tired changing cache=writeback to none, but still get the slower speeds. I found a thread from 2018 referencing upcoming changes to fix it, but couldnt find any direct fixes during my googling.




    Any ways around this currently? Or is this even a problem?


    Thanks a bunch!

  2. I have recently attempted to get HW transcoding working but have hit an error that I can not figure out.


    I am currently running Unraid RC5, have downloaded the plug in, typed in the extra parameters, GPU GUID and GPU Capabilities. I have a working Nvidia-SMI screen but keep getting the error below when trying to transcode over hardware. I have tried googling with no luck.


    I am currently using the LinuxSevers IO Plex App and do have Plex Pass (I watch on my phone all the time with CPU transcode).


    This is tested on multiple 1080p, 264, .mkv files.


    Thank you,

    Woring SMI.PNG

    Unraid Error.PNG

  3. I am pretty new to unraid, had it up and running for a few weeks now on my current setup. I noticed I am starting to get this error in my system log:



    kernel: sky2 0000:05:00.0 eth0: rx error, status 0x5ea0002 length 1514


    The only reference I can find for this, is a single post from 2014 talking about this error and it possibly being the network adapter on the motherboard (Here).


    I have ordered a new Intel NIC to see if this would solve it, just curious if anyone has any ideas about this error?


    Current Setup:


    Mobo: EVGA E672 Micro

    CPU: 2600K @ 4.5 Ghz

    Ram: Mushkin

    unRaid Build: 6.7.2 (Have never had any other build)



    Thank you,

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