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Posts posted by doweaver

  1. 20 minutes ago, aptalca said:

    You can have access to your entire lan in bridge mode. Don't change every setting in the gui, especially don't try and change the server ip. Just add your subnet to the nat settings and check the box to allow clients access to other devices on your lan

    Oh! I've expose my limited networking knowledge :) Thanks for the help!

  2. How would folks recommend configuring this container if I want to also be able to access the Unraid Web UI after I connect? By default, it appears to go into bridge mode, which means when I connect I don't have access to resources outside of the OpenVPN container. I tried setting the container to the "Host" network type, but then I got a bunch of errors when the container tried to start the network. Is setting the container to "Host" (and figuring out those errors) the right path, or is there a different recommended path?

  3. Hitting a NullReferenceException when trying to import users... everything else seems to be working okay. Any ideas?


    Found this ticket which was marked as closed a while back: https://github.com/tidusjar/Ombi/issues/2910

    2019-10-28 21:40:30.650 -07:00 [Information] Quartz scheduler 'DefaultQuartzScheduler' initialized
    2019-10-28 21:40:30.650 -07:00 [Information] Quartz scheduler version:
    2019-10-28 21:40:30.651 -07:00 [Information] JobFactory set to: Ombi.Schedule.IoCJobFactory
    2019-10-28 21:40:30.739 -07:00 [Information] Scheduler DefaultQuartzScheduler_$_NON_CLUSTERED started.
    2019-10-28 21:40:30.745 -07:00 [Debug] Batch acquisition of 0 triggers
    2019-10-28 21:40:36.450 -07:00 [Debug] Batch acquisition of 1 triggers
    2019-10-28 21:40:36.477 -07:00 [Debug] Batch acquisition of 1 triggers
    2019-10-28 21:40:36.478 -07:00 [Debug] Batch acquisition of 0 triggers
    2019-10-28 21:40:36.525 -07:00 [Debug] Calling Execute on job Plex.IPlexUserImporter
    2019-10-28 21:40:36.525 -07:00 [Debug] Calling Execute on job Emby.IEmbyUserImporter
    2019-10-28 21:40:36.638 -07:00 [Debug] Trigger instruction : DeleteTrigger
    2019-10-28 21:40:36.647 -07:00 [Debug] Deleting trigger
    2019-10-28 21:40:37.677 -07:00 [Error] StatusCode: UnprocessableEntity, Reason: Unprocessable Entity, RequestUri: https://plex.tv/users/account.json
    2019-10-28 21:40:37.685 -07:00 [Error] Job Plex.IPlexUserImporter threw an unhandled Exception:
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Plex.PlexUserImporter.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<ImportAdmin>b__0(OmbiUser x) in C:\projects\requestplex\src\Ombi.Schedule\Jobs\Plex\PlexUserImporter.cs:line 137
       at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate, Boolean& found)
       at Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Plex.PlexUserImporter.ImportAdmin(UserManagementSettings settings, PlexServers server, List`1 allUsers) in C:\projects\requestplex\src\Ombi.Schedule\Jobs\Plex\PlexUserImporter.cs:line 136
       at Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Plex.PlexUserImporter.Execute(IJobExecutionContext job) in C:\projects\requestplex\src\Ombi.Schedule\Jobs\Plex\PlexUserImporter.cs:line 63
       at Quartz.Core.JobRunShell.Run(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    2019-10-28 21:40:37.754 -07:00 [Error] Job Plex.IPlexUserImporter threw an exception.
    Quartz.SchedulerException: Job threw an unhandled exception. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Plex.PlexUserImporter.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<ImportAdmin>b__0(OmbiUser x) in C:\projects\requestplex\src\Ombi.Schedule\Jobs\Plex\PlexUserImporter.cs:line 137
       at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate, Boolean& found)
       at Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Plex.PlexUserImporter.ImportAdmin(UserManagementSettings settings, PlexServers server, List`1 allUsers) in C:\projects\requestplex\src\Ombi.Schedule\Jobs\Plex\PlexUserImporter.cs:line 136
       at Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Plex.PlexUserImporter.Execute(IJobExecutionContext job) in C:\projects\requestplex\src\Ombi.Schedule\Jobs\Plex\PlexUserImporter.cs:line 63
       at Quartz.Core.JobRunShell.Run(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace --- [See nested exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Plex.PlexUserImporter.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.<ImportAdmin>b__0(OmbiUser x) in C:\projects\requestplex\src\Ombi.Schedule\Jobs\Plex\PlexUserImporter.cs:line 137
       at System.Linq.Enumerable.TryGetFirst[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predicate, Boolean& found)
       at Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Plex.PlexUserImporter.ImportAdmin(UserManagementSettings settings, PlexServers server, List`1 allUsers) in C:\projects\requestplex\src\Ombi.Schedule\Jobs\Plex\PlexUserImporter.cs:line 136
       at Ombi.Schedule.Jobs.Plex.PlexUserImporter.Execute(IJobExecutionContext job) in C:\projects\requestplex\src\Ombi.Schedule\Jobs\Plex\PlexUserImporter.cs:line 63
       at Quartz.Core.JobRunShell.Run(CancellationToken cancellationToken)]
    2019-10-28 21:40:37.755 -07:00 [Debug] Trigger instruction : DeleteTrigger
    2019-10-28 21:40:37.755 -07:00 [Debug] Deleting trigger



    Version	3.0.4817
    Branch	master
    Github	https://github.com/tidusjar/Ombi
    Discord	https://discord.gg/Sa7wNWb
    Reddit	https://www.reddit.com/r/Ombi/
    Issues	https://github.com/tidusjar/Ombi/issues
    Wiki	https://github.com/tidusjar/Ombi/wiki
    OS Architecture	X64
    OS Description	Linux 4.19.56-Unraid #1 SMP Tue Jun 25 10:19:34 PDT 2019
    Process Architecture	X64
    Application Base Path	/opt/ombi


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