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  1. No the Script works fine. Sorry the spaces are only a copy paste failure to the post. The problem is, the script terminates the server before the array has shut down correctly. if I understood JorgeB correctly I had to do it like this: 1. End the array 2. Add timeout 3. Quit the server in general I couldn't figure out how to end the array with a command first and the command for the timeout.
  2. Is there a topic in which the shutdown is described. I couldn't find anything. Unfortunately, my scripting skills are very modest. Do the VMs actually have to be terminated before the array? These partially access the array. Most of them, however, run on the cache drives. At the moment I have this script installed. #! / bin / bash echo running powerdown / usr / local / sbin / powerdown
  3. Thanks for your help. I have now measured it. The array takes 1m 45s to stop. I will revise the script and add the new timeouts.
  4. I have now shut down the server with the shutdown script. After starting I exported the log from the flash drive. unraid-diagnostics-20210422-1905.zip
  5. Ok here is the log from the flash drive. unraid-diagnostics-20210421-2004 Flash Log.zip
  6. hi Guys Since the last Unraid Update to 6.9.1 I got the message "Unclean shutdown detected" after every restart. This means that a parity check is started every day, but this takes so long that it is never finished. The server is shut down again via a script before the parity check is ended. I activated the syslog according to the instructions and shut down the server (this time even via the Unraid button in the GUI, not via the script). syslog- unraid-diagnostics-20210421-2004.zip
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