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Posts posted by reciprocity

  1. On 6/10/2017 at 2:08 AM, Bjonness406 said:

    Sorry for late answear, I have had a lot to do so forgot about it.

    Thats because the docker that i got asked to make a template for does not have Java installed >:(

    Will see if I can find another docker with java 8 installed, I dont have time to make my own docker atm. 
    If someone finds a AMP docker with java 8, please tell me.

    Perhaps this would work?



  2. New guy here and running into a problem with getting everything working with YAMJ + unRAID + Popbox V8.


    I followed all the instructions in the first post, and everything appeared to work correctly...

    1. Installed YAMJ on my Popbox V8 (most recent version)

    -Piece of cake of course


    2. Verified I can browse to unRAID via standard Popbox V8 functionality

    -Working like a charm, able to play all the videos I have

    -My Shared Network settings

    IP: (IP address of unRAID)

    Shared Folder:  Movies (I'm using 2 disks + Parity on unRAID, all my movies are in /mnt/disk1/Movies)


    3. Ran the all the steps on the "Procedure" process

    -/mnt/disk1/Movies/Jukebox exists and is full of the data (didn't see any errors when running yamj-rescan)

    -/mnt/disk1/Movies/YAMJ exists and is full of data

    -/mnt/disk1/Moves/index.htm exists

    -I can open the index.htm file via my main PC and it loads correctly (see all my videos and such)



    1. Open YAMJ app on Popbox V8

    2. Select "Add a Jukebox"

    3. Select "Pre-Setup Network Share"

    4. Select "Movies"

    5. Index.htm doesn't load.  I can see the "Jukebox" and "YAMJ" folders and can navigate into them but can't start YAMJ


    Feel free to point out something stupid I've done...I've spent hours troubleshooting this and can't figure it out.  Everything looks like it should be correct but obviously I'm missing something (and have NO problem at this point if it's something idiotic).


    Things I've tried:

    -Putting index.htm in different places (/mnt/disk1/index.htm, /mnt/disk1/Movies/index.htm, /mnt/disk1/Movies/YAMJ/index.htm)

    -Completely uninstalled everything and started all over again (both the app on the V8 as well as on my unRAID box)

    -Changing permissions on the different files used

    -Re-verifying the connection of the V8 to unRAID




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