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Posts posted by Aggie1999

  1. I've been running pfSense in a VM on a Ryzen 1700x for a couple years now. First on Proxmox and then Unraid. I am using host passthrough without issue. To the best of my knowledge it is using AES-NI.


    Has been stable. My needs are not much though. Nobody else in the house to complain if things go down. Has went down on me twice over the last year with Unraid. First when I upgraded Unraid and pfSense stopped working. Second when Unraid locked up and I had to resort to the phone to figure out how to fix.


    It's a good learning experience. Up to you if it's worth saving the expense of real hardware for pfSense.

  2. Overview: Support for Docker image QEMUBackup in the wbynum repo.


    Application: https://github.com/wbynum/QEMUBackup

    Docker Hub: https://hub.docker.com/r/wbynum/qemubackup


    Description: QEMUBackup is a ASP.NET Core app that facilitates manual backups of QEMU virtual machines. Allows user to add a title and description to a virtual machine. Then user can create a backup which will contain the title and description in the VM's XML. Useful for describing the state of a VM when taking a backup.

    Screenshot from 2019-12-04 19-57-01.png

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  3. The QEMU description in the XML file is a tag, thus allowing for multiple lines. The unRAID web interfaces only supports a single line and if one updates the description directly in the XML the web interfaces cobbles the multiple lines into one line in the VM list. Makes it hard to read. Need proper multi-line support in the web interface.

  4. In Proxmox I got used to doing manual backups before a did any experimentation to a VM. Proxmox has a nice little notes section per VM that I would use to describe the current state of the VM before I changed it. When you did a backup the notes came along for the ride. So when restoring a backup I would know what the backup contained. Made it easy to know which VM backup to roll back to.


    Is there any docker or plugin for unRAID that has similar functionality? Also, a UI would be nice for reviewing the backup files and restoring them instead of manually overwriting the XML and manually copying the img file. The virt-manager docker in CA comes close to these requirements. Problem is there seems to be no way to store the snapshots on a share that virt-manager creates. I guess it stores them internally? Also, I'm unclear if virt-manager is backing up the XML also. Thoughts?

  5. Now days you gotta pay for a Usenet subscription. Not like the old days where your ISP, university, etc would offer a good Usenet feed. With that said, a year Usenet subscription is $20 - $30. You can also buy block accounts where you pay for say 500 GB of data for $5. Here's what I can answer on your questions:


    Sonarr/Radarr is the thing that sits between your Usenet client (NZBGet) and the Usenet indexer/search engine. You tell Radarr you want such and such movie with specific criteria (1080p, English, etc). Radarr uses the indexer to find all copies of the movie that meet your criteria. Radarr sends the NZB file provided by the indexer to the Usenet client for download. The criteria for Radarr/Sonarr can also have levels. So say you want a 1080p version of the movie but all Radarr can find at the time is a 720p. It will have the Usenet client down the 720p version while it keeps looking for a 1080p version.


    NZBHydra is just a front end to multiple Usenet indexers. So you get a subscription to multiple indexers and put them in NZBHydra. Then you point Radarr/Sonarr to NZBHydra instead of having to configure multiple indexers into both Radarr and Sonarr. Also, if you change indexers then you would just have to change the setting in NZBHydra.


    CouchPotato has been replaced by Radarr. In Radarr you can tell it to use a bittorrent client as the source of the movies instead of a Usenet client. Same for Sonarr.


    NZBGet is the Usenet client that downloads the posts, assembles them in the original binary files. Sabnzbd is another popular one and I believe older. Either is fine. Once the NZBGet has downloaded the posts and built the binaries, etc then it tells Radarr/Sonarr. Radarr/Sonarr kicks back in and moves the files to the place your media server looks at.


    Media server such as Plex, Emby, Jellyfin, etc. It constantly monitors the location the Radarr/Sonarr moves the files to. Once it finds say a new movie on the filesystem, it downloads the metadata (poster of movie, subtitles, etc).


    That's your basic Plex/Radarr/Sonarr/Sabnzbd stack. There are a few more things you can install but they are gravy on top of the basics.


    Hope this helps.

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