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Posts posted by zwolfinger

  1. I currently use a HP MSA60 that a friend let me borrow.  I finally purchases my own enclosure, a Dell MD1000.  If I move my drives to the new enclosure, should Unraid still see the drive identifiers the same and spin up the array just fine?  Or is there anything I need to be aware of.  FWIW, the array contains both "internal" drives from my Dell R710 AND the drives in the enclosure.


    I don't easily have a way to back up the 24TB of data in the array, although the vast majority of the data lives on the internal drives, as I just added the MSA in the last month.  Should I try moving the data off the drives in the enclosure first, just in case?  


    Thanks in advance for any pointers

  2. I use this to show what's currently streaming from Plex on my grafana dashboard: 



    I would LOVE it if someone could write a plugin that would show what's currently playing in Plex (text or poster) on the Unraid dashboard.


    There are plenty of tasks that require us to stop the array, or stop docker from running (ie, networking changes, etc).  Before I do that, I always want to check to make sure nobody is currently watching Plex.  If I could see that on the Unraid dashboard instead of going through the steps to check Grafana or Tautulli, or Plex, it would be awesome.  I think lots of other people would find this useful.  Unfortunately I'm just not a strong enough programmer to write it myself.


    Looking forward to discussions around this idea.

  3. On 5/12/2019 at 5:37 AM, bonienl said:

    The SMART output of SAS devices is different from SATA devices.

    This isn't taken into consideration for the SMART self tests in the GUI.

    Sorry to dig up an old topic - but what would it take to move support for SAS SMART reports up the priority list?  

  4. 38 minutes ago, olehj said:

    I might add that later, right now Im busy doing nothing and play left 4 dead 2 :P

    No worries, I found a Chrome plugin "Click to remove element" and just hid the "Failed Drive" notification behind some tricky CSS 😁 So keep calm and game on!

    • Like 1
  5. I want to set up an addition unraid server on my network.  After purchasing a a new license (not trying to duplicate that or the key), is there an easy way to setup my new server with all the same plugins and CA apps as the existing server?  Or am I relegated to documenting what all is installed on the first server and then installing each item individually on the new server?  I'm not concerned about docker containers or VMs, just plugins / utils.



  6. After doing some more research on this, I see that unraid is having problems with SMART tests against my SAS drives.  When I do a self-test from the cli, I see "Error Counter logging not supported.   Device does not support Self Test logging."   And then I also remembered that these are running on an H800 in individual RAID-0 until my new HBA arrives.  So another reason SMART isn't working.

    Feature request:  Ability to turn off SMART/failed drive status.  Or ability to just hide the failed drive status on the dashboard.



  7. Yes, I tried changing to MegaRaid and Automatic.  Either way, it still says the drive isn't spun up.  With the MegaRaid selected, I also lose the values for Attributes and Identity.  Does it matter that these are SAS drives?

    As far as Nas04 goes, I figured out that I'm an idiot and completely forgot that I'm currently using a Perc-i6 controller and passing the drives as individual RAID-0's until I can get another controller.  Of course SMART doesn't work in that configuration.  

    But Nas01 I'm REALLY worried about the SMART errors and non-media errors.  Do you think it looks like the controller might be the problem?

  8. I have multiple unraid systems.  On two of them, I'm trying to run SMART tests but unraid says "unavailable - disk must be spun up".  I click Spin Up, the screen refreshes, but nothing changes.  This is happening for multiple disks on different servers.


    That being said, all servers appear to be working correctly so far.

    I'm including diagnostics for Nas01 and Nas04.  Looking at the errors on Nas01, I'm seeing a fair amount of non-media errors, which is leading me to think I may have a bad hba or cable.

    Nas04 is a server I just bought (Dell R710-SFF).  ALL of the disks show they are not spun up.  But they must be as the sytem is working fine.

    Could someone help me take a look at the diagnostics and point me in the right direction?  Thanks!

    nas04-diagnostics-20200415-1029.zip nas01-diagnostics-20200415-1030.zip

  9. I'm getting a "Failed disk!" message on the dashboard in this plugin section.  I'm 100% sure there are no failed disks on my system.  I've tried deleting the database on reconfiguring from scratch, but it's still there.  


    Any clue why it's showing this?




    Screen Shot 2020-04-11 at 1.01.53 AM.png

  10. I'm trying to use SpaceInvaderOne's MacInaBox and pass through the NVidia GeForce GT710 in my Dell PowerEdge R710.


    I've double checked my PCI addresses and dumped my gpu bios and am pointing to the file in my xml, as well as passing through the integrated sound card.  Unraid shows the vm has started, but I don't get any video output from the graphics card.


    Anyone have this working with this configuration or very similar?  I'm currently stumped.


    Attaching my diagnostics


  11. Running beta7


    Unmanic is processing files - I can see the workers doing their thing, and successful conversions in the log file.  However nothing it's done recently is getting moved back to the library, nor does it show up in the web interface as finished.  In my temp directory for the transcode, I've got lots of directories with the converted files still sitting there.  




    Here are the logs related to item 1580179451.3117027 in the image above (sanitized for privacy)



    unmanic.log:2020-02-04T13:53:25:INFO:Unmanic.TaskHandler - [FORMATTED] - Adding job to queue - /library/movies/some_movie_folder/some_movie.mkv
    unmanic.log.2020-02-03:2020-02-03T16:25:09:INFO:Unmanic.Worker - [FORMATTED] - Processing item - /library/movies/some_movie_folder/some_movie.mkv
    unmanic.log.2020-02-03:2020-02-03T16:25:13:INFO:Unmanic.Worker-0 - [FORMATTED] - Worker-0 picked up job - /library/movies/some_movie_folder/some_movie.mkv
    unmanic.log.2020-02-03:2020-02-03T16:25:13:INFO:Unmanic.Worker-0 - [FORMATTED] - Worker-0 processing job - /library/movies/some_movie_folder/some_movie.mkv
    unmanic.log.2020-02-03:2020-02-03T23:35:39:INFO:Unmanic.Worker-0 - [FORMATTED] - Successfully converted file '/library/movies/some_movie_folder/some_movie.mkv'
    unmanic.log.2020-02-03:2020-02-03T23:35:39:INFO:Unmanic.Worker-0 - [FORMATTED] - Worker-0 finished job - /library/movies/some_movie_folder/some_movie.mkv

    And here is how it's setup in Unraid:  https://imgur.com/a/AjM1toF
    /mnt/disks/ is a share from my other Unraid server where the library is.  This is a 10Gbps link between the 2 servers


    Any thoughts on how to get this working correctly again?  It worked in the past but maybe I missed something when I moved the docker container to another server.  

  12. Good point!  I've just been reading a lot about preclearing and felt like maybe I messed up using used drives without checking them from the start.


    Sounds like I have precleared drives waiting in the wings in case one dies.  Of course, I could always throw them into an enclosure and increase my capacity.  I'd probably want to start upgrading to higher capacity drives in the event of a drive failure anyhow.

  13. Unraid Version 6.8.2


    I initially installed Unraid without preclearing any of my drive (newbie mistake).  I happen to have exact replacements for all the drives, and I have used another host to preclear them.  

    Any reason I SHOULDN'T replace the existing drives, which are about 85% full and passing all S.M.A.R.T. checks with the precleared drives?  Of course I would do this one at a time, let the data rebuild from parity, and then move to the next drive.

    I imagine this is going to take some time (5 x 2TB SATA drives + 1 x 2TB Parity drive). 


    Any thoughts on replacing the Parity drive first so that it's running on a precleared drive before being used to rebuild data?


  14. Running version 0.0.1-beta7.  I recently moved this container from one unraid server to another.  It appears that since then, unmanic is continuing to do it's work, and logging to the /config/.unmanic/logs/unmanic.log file.  However the Completed Tasks on the dashboard isn't being updated.


    I'm not sure if messed something up during the move between hosts, or if it's due to leaving the Debug option on for too long, or what.


    Any thoughts on how to get this fully functional again?



  15. I'm not graphically/artistically talented in any way.  Would one of you awesome artists be interested in helping me with 2 custom banners?  I'd love a dark HAL banner that also says NAS-01 and a dark Stark/Jarvis banner that says NAS-02.


    Help a geek out?

  16. unRAID 6.7.2.  I have a share setup as public for SMB (see config and perms below).  I have a Windows 2012 Server that I'm trying to transfer files from.  The server can see the unRAID box (named "NAS"), it can successfully mount a share and view the folders in the first level of that share.  But any time I try to open a folder, Windows Explorer shows a green bar across the address line which grows to about 95% and then explorer just locks up.


    I'm able to browse the share successfully from my iMac, so I'm 99% sure the problem is on the windows side.  Previously I was able to browse without a problem.  I have tried rebooting both the unRAID box and the windows box to no avail.  I'm tried setting the share to private and connecting with my unraid user credentials, again the mount is successful but I'm unable to open folders showing on the mounted drive.


    Any clues as to what I've done wrong or what else to try?







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