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Everything posted by zwolfinger

  1. Thanks guys! That clears it up for me. On the md_write_method, can I make that change, copy my media over, and then change it back? I was reading about it and don't want to cause stuttering in my video playback. Can I change it without having to restart the array? I'm currently in the middle of a parity check as well.
  2. I'm new to unRAID but loving it! I'm copying about 6TB of data from my old storage (HP MSA60 attached to Win2012R2 server), I think I may have made a mistaking costing me a lot of time. I'm copying to my Media share which has the cache drive enabled. The cache drive is currently a standard 4TB SAS drive (same as the 4 drives in the RAID and the parity drive). So the cache drive is getting close to full. I stopped my transfer and made sure mover is running. But it occurs to me that I'm spending a lot of time transferring (unfortunately 1Gbps connection, seeing 800Mbps transfer rate), and then I have to wait for the cache to catch up before I can finish my transfer. Would it have been faster when transferring a lot of data at once, to copy it directly to the RAID? Also, why is writing the RAID slower when there are 4 disks to spread the load vs 1 cache drive? Is it because of the calculations required to build the parity? Thank you
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