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  1. Thank you I have heard of those benefits and I was trying to decide if they would really be a benefit to me but maybe I should look at it as futureproofing a bit ha
  2. Hi so I am really trying to decide if I should go sata or sas for these exos Seagate enterprise drives. The server I am building will have 4 or 5 drives and be used primarily for file storage, some single to double Plex streams, and VMs running one at a time. Any thoughts?
  3. Hello all! I am looking at building a nas and what I keep hearing is if you have a large array and use ZFS (I am told unraid does have this option), you need a beefy processor. My question is, what exactly is considered beefy enough? I was thinking of getting a Ryzen 9 3900X but is that too much power? How can I know?
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