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Posts posted by unBrain

  1. I tried installing Reiverr but when I try to open the WebUI, it doesn't respond.
    What am I missing here ?


    Here is the log :


    > [email protected] deploy
    > PORT=9494 NODE_ENV=production node build/

    query: PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF
    query: SELECT * FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE "type" = 'table' AND "name" IN ('settings')
    query: SELECT * FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE "type" = 'index' AND "tbl_name" IN ('settings')
    query: PRAGMA table_xinfo("settings")
    query: PRAGMA index_list("settings")
    query: PRAGMA foreign_key_list("settings")
    query: SELECT * FROM "sqlite_master" WHERE "type" = 'table' AND "name" = 'typeorm_metadata'
    query: COMMIT
    query: PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON
    Data Source has been initialized!
    Listening on

  2. I've tried to install this and it seems to work but when I tried to connect to it I see the config bar on the left and the screen is all black.

    What am I doing wrong ?


    Here is my config :



    And here is the WebUI :



    If anyone has an idea :)

  3. Hi,


    I'm new to Unraid so I'm trying a few things, and among them I tried adding a cache drive to my arrray.

    Simple SSD 180Go.

    I have a single share atm with all my files in it. I set the cache option of this share is on 'Prefer'.


    Now the problem is the cache SSD is full.

    So I added a schedule for the mover every 4h to do it's thing.

    So it would at least move my files to my share on the array. After which I started the mover from the 'Main' tab by clicking the 'Move Now' button.


    Still the same. Nothing changed. I tried to disable the cache option on my share and start the mover again and still nothing.

    My cache SSD is still full and my files are still only on the cache SSD and not on the array share.


    What am I doing wrong ?


    I want to remove my cache drive for the moment but I don't want to lose the files on it.


    Sorry if I missed something obvious.

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