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Posts posted by stigs

  1. 1 hour ago, doron said:

    Just pushed out version 0.7 of the plugin.

    1 hour ago, doron said:

    @stigs, I'm guessing this might address your issue as well.

    Good work!! I can report all is well after updating.

    • No more log spam: CHECK
    • SAS ASSIST log entries showing: CHECK
    • Drives spin down/up properly: CHECK

    Thanks a lot, this plugin fixes all my issues and will help save me hundreds of dollars this year undoubtedly. I'll keep you updated if any more issues arise.


    H7230AS60SUN3.0T Success
    ST33000SSSUN3.0T Success


  2. After installing the plugin I tried spinning down drives and nothing seemed to be different from before the plugin was installed, i.e. Normal errors and drives not actually spinning down. I uninstalled and reinstalled (as well as a reboot) but the plugin still doesn't seem to be working at all.


    There are no SAS Assist entries in syslog on either manual spin-down or Unraid's spin-down, Only the normal barrage of errors.

    One thing to note is that command line spin-down of the drives is working using:

    sg_start -r --pc=3 /dev/sdX

    and starting back up again with:

    sg_start -r --pc=0 /dev/sdX

    So I'm sure the issue is somewhere on the OS side and not the communication with the disks or the disks themselves. I cannot think of a reason that the plugin wouldn't even show in any of the logs like all other logs I've seen in this thread. I have done a couple migrations in the life of my install including about a week ago after the server had been off for about 150 days (had to update everything recently) if that is of any relevance. I can confirm the install of the plugin.


    Please let me know of any other information that might be helpful!

    Screenshot 2020-11-16 105533.png

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