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Samson H.

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Posts posted by Samson H.

  1. 3 minutes ago, trurl said:

    All of your disks are mounting. Doesn't look like you have much data, but all disks seem to have shares on them. And no shares are empty. Which share do you think you are missing? You don't have a system share but it doesn't look like you were using one.

    Your disks are all XFS except for btrfs cache, not reiserFS, so reiserfsck would not have been appropriate. Do you have any output from that attempted reiserfsck?


    Are you sure you didn't reformat any of them?


    I had two user shares:
    - Plex Movies
    - Plex Series

    Both of them had content/data and suddenly not anymore. It seemed to me that I would have deleted the content/data permanently(If though I don't recall doing that).
    Sorry sadly I have no output of reiserfsck recovery attempt.

  2. 1 minute ago, testdasi said:

    Clarification please: you "suddenly had 2 empty shares" i.e.

    1. You had 2 EXISTING shares that had data in the past but now suddenly had nothing (i.e. you know there was actual data loss)
    2. You had 2 BRAND NEW / unfamiliar shares that were empty (i.e. you don't know if there was any data loss)

    (1) or (2)?


    (2) could simply be misconfigured dockers creating spurious folders.


  3. 5 minutes ago, Squid said:

    99.9% of the time, lost data is because of user error, not unRaid


    But, the log show nothing (and is after a reboot).  What exactly are you expecting to be seeing, and what did you do to try and recover when you first noticed the problem a week ago

    As soon as I saw that the share is empty, I check on the WebGui and shell if the folders are really empty.
    Than I tried to recover from one disk with reiserfsck, that didn't really work.
    After that I did a parity check.

  4. 5 minutes ago, itimpi said:

    You can see this symptom if you have file system corruption any drive.


    I would suggest that you put the drive into Maintenance mode and click on each drive in turn on the Main tab and select the option to check the file system.  If any corruption if found you can also initiate the repair process from their.   If you get back any results you do not understand then feel free to ask questions.

    Thanks for the tip, I'll try this and let you know if I have any success.

  5. I'm currently experiencing a data lost issue.

    About a week ago I suddenly had two empty shares, I couldn't find the cause. The strange thing was that I had several other share, which weren't effected.

    I checked on the Forum pages, but everything led to disk recovery. I already did a party-check with 0 errors.

    Is this a known-error?

    Is there a solution within UnRaid or do I really need to recovery every single disk of my RAID?


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