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Can't get ANY usb mouse to work in a VM.


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I've been playing around with setting up VMs, specifically Windows VMs. I use the unraid interface, assign my usb mouse and keyboard (separate usb devices) and no matter what I do, I can't get the mouse to work. The keyboard works out of the box when I assign it to the VM, but the mouse doesn't. I even bought new mice to try, so I've now tried 3 working mice and none of them work. I'm not trying to pass through an entire usb controller, though I tried that too just to see if it would work and it did not. I also tried using the "Libvirt Hotplug USB" app/plugin, which also didn't work. I also tried not passing through the keyboard, switching what usb port (and controller) the usb mouse and or keyboard was on, and those didn't work either. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this issue? I'm new to unraid, but my understanding is it really shouldn't be this hard to pass a mouse into a vm.


Thanks in advance!



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