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Mover works manually bot not with scheduler. What do I have set wrong?

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I download TV Shows to cache then have the mover move them to the array from cache.  This works fine if I invoke move manually from the main GUI screen.


I've got the scheduler set to move TV Shows from cache to the array at 3:40 am.  It hasn't been doing it.


I tried resetting the scheduler to move the files from the cache drive to the array 10 minutes from the current time, but when 10 minutes elapsed, the mover hadn't started moving the files.  They remained on cache.


If I manually invoke Move, the mover starts running and the files go to the array from cache.


I made sure to hit apply when setting the scheduler time, so I don't understand why the mover isn't working automatically. 


I just set the mover logging to enabled, so I'll try and see if I can find out anything there...


Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks

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