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Mirrored SSD Cache Died at the same day. Best practices to restore from CA Backup?

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As I wrote at the title, both of my SSD (WD Green) died in 24 hours (bought also at the same day!) after 2 years and 5 months of usage.  The first one died at midnight (bad disk - not discovered by Unraid), while the second on after 8 hours (Too many bad sectors). Thank god they were still under warranty.


At the cache I am only storing my dockers, VMs and ISOs, but for some "strange?" reason I also lost my shares. Ok, it's easy to recreate the shares but...
tomorrow I'll installed the replacement SSDs and I plan to restore from CA Backup. Is it a straight forward procedure? Are my Dockers and VMs recreated automatically?  Is it something I must be extra careful? 
I'm counting at your previous experience to help me for a "bloodless" restore procedure.


Thank in advance

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