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Mesh Network (Orbi) and Unraid - Problems on Satellites

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I have a mesh network in my house and I noticed that whenever in my room, which is far from the original router, it won't connect to the server. If I'm on my phone, laptop, or tablet and on WI-FI it just won't show the website or allow me to access anything. It says "This site can't be reached took too long to respond" 


If I'm connected on ethernet I have no problems. If I'm closer to the main router than also no problems.


I think it has something to do with the device being connected to the satellite instead of the main router. I can confirm that it's connected to Orbi Satellite-2 has a good connection to the main router. 


Has anyone else experience this problem or maybe knows how to fix it so I can access the WebGUI and my other docker's GUIs despite what satellite I'm on. 

Edited by stoigeboiii
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