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6.9 CPU usage

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I'm seeing high CPU usage on my virtual machines since switching to 6.9.  I previously had an issue with 6.9 where the KVM would die on any VM after a very short time, I switched the CPU type on one of the VM's and suddenly everything started working again without locking up, support were just as baffled about this as me.


Now though I'm seeing high CPU load constantly on my VM's, I have a windows VM 10 VM running and the CPU usage inside the VM is low, but looking on unraid I'm seeing 300-400% CPU usage constantly and a screen full of red bars on the main unraid page.


All my issues started when I moved to 6.9, 6.8 everything worked like a dream.


I've seen a few other reports about CPU usage and people have mentioned changing the scheduler, I checked and mines already set the recommended value mentioned in those threads.


I can often get Unraid to "hang" by starting a VM, the CPU usage goes crazy and the web ui stops responding, the only way to fix it is to ssh in (which takes quite a while due to the CPU usage) and kill the VM process, at which point everything drops back to normal.


Anybody else experiencing this?  Any thoughts?

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