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PCI-E cards drop out of passthrough machine ...

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Hey hey,

I have acquired two P3600 1.6TB NVME PCI-E cards, marked them as passthrough in the shiny new 6.9.2 of Unraid and passed them onto my MacOSX BigSur VM.

There they show up as expected and I started using them but at a certain point one was just gone. Not only the drive disconnected to be able to mounted again from disk utility, but also in System Report of MacOS the device was only half there anymore. Just the generic NVME-controller part, but not the actual NVME branch of the card.

When rebooting the VM, everything seemed fine. Then it happened  again. So, I thought, let's test this. Switched slots of the two cards and voila, next time, after about 30min of usage the second card went missing. On reboot of the VM (not UNRAID mind you) everything is fine, again.

So I used a third slot and avoided the slot where both cards went missing in, first. After a while of usage (probably again about 30min), both went missing in the VM.

UNRAID shows the devices fair and square, no problem. I need direct access from MacOSX to very fast storage, so it would be great to have them in passthrough, but then, again, what are my options to decently fast but stable?




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