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HP DL380 G7 fans at 100%


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Howdy yall! I just got a DL380 G7 from work and made it into an unraid server. Since installing, my server fans have been running at 100%. I'm wondering if there is some setting somewhere I can try? I've TIRED the auto-fan plugin, but no controller is found for it.

Would love ANY help you guys can provide.


Which fans are running at 100%? Are you sure they're 100%? Clearly I don't know how familiar you are with this kit, but rack server fans are often super, super loud, even under lowish loads.


That aside, from my experience an open case or disconnected case lid aka "intrusion" switch will force some rack systems to "failsafe fan" aka "can't tell if we have good airflow, better max it out" since these cases 100% depend on having the cover closed to keep air going where it needs to go.


If that's not enough to get you going, first check that it is in fact all of the fans, and not one/a few making it sound like all of them.


Let us know if that's not enough to get you somewhere.


Do you have any non-HP PCIe cards installed, e.g. HBA?


I had this same problem with a DL380 G6 (essentially the same server); worked fine with HP cards (although fans would understandably ramp up as more cards were installed) but if you put any non-HP card (Dell H310 in my case), the fans went to full speed - even if that was the only card installed.

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