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Need Help Port Forwarding on Nextgear RAX70

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Hello, I had everything set up and working on my Unraid Server with my Google Wifi set up. The only Dockers I have been using are Cloudflare-DDNS, mariadb, swag, and nextcloud. I was having general problems with my Google Wifi set up so I just purchased a Netgear Nighthawk RAX70. I am trying to do the port forwarding with this new system and it is rocking my brain. I am trying to set up the port forwarding the same way I did with my Google Wifi, but it is giving me errors.


I attached the my port forwarding settings I had with my Google Wifi (Ignore the the 3075, 3074 that is something else). I also attached what my new system looks like now. I have a feeling the way I have it set up now is backwards, so if it is wrong I am looking for corrections.I tried looking up for videos and other forums for help, but I am not finding what I need.


In regards to what errors I am facing, when looking at port 443 -> 1443 on my Google Wifi settings, I tried adding that plus 443-> 14443 in my Nextgear and it says I can not use the same port twice for the same IP. Is this just a limitation for this new router?


I am not very smart with this stuff and could use all the help I can get to get back online. I have also watched, re-watched some of SpaceInvaderOne's videos and can't seem to figure it out.





Disregard, I have solved my issue. I just needed to take a break and rest my head to come back at this fresh. Incase anyone comes back with this same issue, or me in the future with this same issue.....


In my Port Forwarding settings I finished with (External Port -> Internal Port): 1443 -> 443, 180 -> 80, 80 ->180, 443 -> 1443


I also had to uncheck 'Turn UpnP On' under 'UPnP' in the Advanced Setup tab.


Not sure if it was necessary, but I also changed the subnet which came default with my new router (192.168.1.x) to 192.168.86.x) which matched my previous ip address (which required me to reset every device and switches connected via ethernet in my home when I applied the change). I then changed the static ip address in my router settings to what I had it before with my old router.


I think this is all that I did to get everything back to work. Sorry if this was obvious to everyone else. It is a learning process for me

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