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Getting disk usage warning when I shouldn't

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I am planning on upgrading a couple disks on my array soon as it is getting a bit full. Just waiting for drive prices to normalize a bit, so I know I should increase my space.


Anyway, I saw my Disk 1 was approaching 90% utilization. I didn't want to get an email from the warning, and I'm keeping a close eye on my disks manually, so i set the Warning Threshold for all my disks to 0, which says it should disable it, including warnings. I set the Critical warning threshold to 99% for now.


I still got an email from my server, startling me of course! It was a warning email saying my disk was at 91% usage. Why did this happen? is there another setting that would trigger this which I'm missing?


I changed this setting a while back, not sure but over a week ago at the very least. I've stopped the array, rebooted, etc. since then and see the settings for my disks are still 0 for warning, 99 for critical. My emails are set to be sent for warnings and alerts. This email says it is a warning. I'd like to stop it before it happens on the next disk!


Attaching my diagnostics just in case it helps.


Edited by Hastor
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