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Import VM from Synology

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Hi everyone,


writing this post as I spend the last day trying to get things to work, but failed. So I need some help from you guys.

Long story short, I migrated from DSM (Synology OS) to Unraid. On DSM I had some VMs running. Before I migrated I saved the VMs completely:

- as RAW disk

- as export OVA

- as export OVA with VMWare compatible.


Regardless of what I am doing, I can't boot up my VMs.


So, I was able to convert the VMWare compatible file into a RAW file, as well as in a qcow2 disk. The normal ova file was not able to be converted into any format, the convert was throwing an "invalid whatever" error.

But, from the RAW disks that I have, Synology Virtual Machine Manager is basically KVM, I wasn't able to get any setup to boot.

Basically I tried every. single. option. in Unraid VM manager. And that in all different styles and combinations.

So I changed the BIOS, the disk location, the disk format, how the disk is accessed (virtio, SATA, IDE...) aka vDisk Bus and many more.


In all cases the machine came up, was able to "see" a disk but was unable to mount or boot from it.

In SeaBIOs it says something like "not able to boot from disk" ... "no bootable disk found". In OVMF BIOS I am always redirected to the interactive Shell. It was showing BLK devices, and alos if I exit the shell, the BIOS was able to see "QEMU virtual disk". So from there I did a lot of things right, but not enough to boot from it.

The interactive shell really refused any command (or I used the wrong ones)?

I googled through the internet, but found no really good help for my case - so I need your help. The only thing I did find out, was from this site (note: german) https://www.bjoerns-techblog.de/2019/02/migration-von-synology-vms/

that DSM is using /dev/sda as default disk. But KVM is accessing it via /dev/vda.

But I was not able to edit anything in any grub config, or at least did not found it. Instead, I tried the XML config and tried to edit the disk target (default: target dev='hdc' bus='virtio'/>) to something else, but no success.


So my guess is, the disk is there but can be mounted (wrong file layout or stuff) or the actual drivers are somewhat missing.

Booting up fresh installs of W10 and Ubuntu worked like a charm. In this case, I am trying to get a W10 VM to run.


Any help is much appreciated.



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Okey, now I am totally out of ideas. I even restored the VM with ActiveBackupForBusiness from Synology (yes long story!) but I am still stuck in the freakin' shell :(


Edit: Alright, several restores later, I can also admit that the repair option from a Windows 10 installer is not helping. Mounted the disk in GPARTED, I am seeing two filesystem. "system-reserved" and the actual data. Looks like there is no efi there whatsoever?

Question is, if I can add one somewhere (have 1 MB space left) or stuff like that.


Edit2:Just tried again to use an OVA export along this video:

and also this: https://blog.ricosharp.com/posts/2019/Converting-ova-file-to-qcow2


No luck. It looks like its unable to boot anything from that stupid vdisk.


I relaly dont want to buy another Windows license and install all the software again. Yikes, really thought its going to be easy to handle VMs

Edited by IceBoosteR
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  • 8 months later...
On 3/13/2022 at 3:25 AM, aarontry said:

I've had similar problem. Take a look at this post:

It would be better if you can elaborate the problem.




  This VDISK was used on Synology as part of a VM running a ubuntu server and was deleted.  When I realised that the files that I needed was on this VM I did a BTRFS restore that took 53 days and by luck  I got the ROD file and this VDISK of 20GB that will not boot on a KVM like QEMU.  And then found this feed.   

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On 3/14/2022 at 8:13 PM, alcanjp said:

I found this link that appears to work and was somehow able to access the VDISK


# losetup -f


# losetup /dev/loop0 vdisk.XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXXXX.2.0_00000

# kpartx -a /dev/loop0

# vgscan

  Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while...

  Found volume group "vgzorin" using metadata type lvm2

# vgchange -ay vgzorin

   2 logical volume(s) in volume group "vgzorin" now active

# ls -lrt /dev/mapper/vgzorin*

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Mär 16 17:44 /dev/mapper/vgzorin-root -> ../dm-1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Mär 16 17:44 /dev/mapper/vgzorin-swap_1 -> ../dm-2

# mkdir /image

# mount /dev/mapper/vgzorin-lv_root /CRP2/   "Got an error"  

Is this "vgzorin" from Zorin distro?  I would like to get further with this.  But I need pointers


Edited by alcanjp
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