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FL1100 on PCIE 1X But unable to split it into its own IOMMU group

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Dear All Sifu,


I know that it's possible that im unable to passthrough any of my motherboard usb bus to vm, which indeed im un-able to. But is it possible that even my PCIE 1x lane are also tied to it and unable to passthrough?


Because it seems so at my current situation. I bought a FL1100 usb controller and attached it into my pcie 1x, but it says the device is used by Unraid and dont have the option to passthrough.


Any advices?


I tried changing into another slot i have but it's still on the same iommu group, tried to switch different ACS override and no luck as well.




Screenshot from 2021-07-22 20-08-37.png


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Solution i have tried :

1. Change to a different pcie slot (Only 2 available)

2. Tried toggle all pcie related bios setting to see any differences.

3. different ACS override mode (surprisingly my entire iommu group layout doesnt affect much on all modes)

4. Tried to force it to load vfio driver by vfio-pci.ids (Space Invaders tutorial hacks ;) )

5. Tried to force it to isolate the pci bridge by pcie_acs_override. (I was abit confuse though why 2 pci bridge under 1 iommu group) (Space Invaders tutorial hacks ;) )

6. Flashing latest bios firmware (Found that it could affect the grouping on level1tech's forum)



Am i just doomed and out of luck? Was so excited when my FL1100 package arrive though. sob.

Edited by ahlooii
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