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Cant delete corrupt file as it cant be accessed. "-?????????"

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UnRaid version: 6.9.2


I setup unraid 5 days ago, still on a the trial. I have 2 4TB HDD's and a 500GB NVMe cache RAID 0. I recently plugged in a different drive to move around 500GB worth of data off it onto a user share. I copied the data using rsync directly from the mount to the user share which is a cache:Yes enabled. Half way through it failed because the cache ran out of space (already using 150GB of it with VMs). So i tried using the mover and it kept getting stuck. It was getting stuck moving a large 250GB file so my plan was to delete everything, manually. move the 250GB.img file, then rsync the rest. Given its SSD to NVMe i felt this should be a pretty quick process. However when i tried to delete the existing files it deleted everything except 1 file.


This is the file from terminal.


root@Unraid:/mnt/disk1/kieran/kieran/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Code Cache/js# ls
/bin/ls: cannot access '0c07eded07df560a_0': No such file or directory

root@Unraid:/mnt/disk1/kieran/kieran/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Code Cache/js# ls -la
/bin/ls: cannot access '0c07eded07df560a_0': No such file or directory
total 12
drwx------ 2 nobody users 8192 Aug 19 16:38 ./
drwx------ 3 nobody users   16 Aug 19 16:38 ../
-????????? ? ?      ?        ?            ? 0c07eded07df560a_0

root@Unraid:/mnt/disk1/kieran/kieran/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Code Cache/js# cd ../

root@Unraid:/mnt/disk1/kieran/kieran/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Code Cache# rm -rf js/
rm: cannot remove 'js/': Directory not empty

root@Unraid:/mnt/disk1/kieran/kieran/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Code Cache# rm -rf js/*

root@Unraid:/mnt/disk1/kieran/kieran/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Code Cache# ls -la js/
/bin/ls: cannot access 'js/0c07eded07df560a_0': No such file or directory
total 12
drwx------ 2 nobody users 8192 Aug 19 16:38 ./
drwx------ 3 nobody users   16 Aug 19 16:38 ../
-????????? ? ?      ?        ?            ? 0c07eded07df560a_0

root@Unraid:/mnt/disk1/kieran/kieran/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Code Cache# du -sh *
du: cannot access 'js/0c07eded07df560a_0': No such file or directory
12K     js

root@Unraid:/mnt/disk1/kieran/kieran/.cache/google-chrome/Default/Code Cache# 



Firstly i know i shouldnt be backing up .cache but i just wanted the data of the drive so i could use it else where so copying everything was the quick solution.


Onto the wierd 0c07eded07df560a_0.

What is it ? Can i delete it ? Did i cause this ?


This is a common thing to happen, im currently evaluating my options between unRaid and off the self solutions like synolgy + a proxmox for VMs. While i dont mind getting my hands dirty, i am a little concerned this happened after realstically only a few hours of use.


Is this common ?
Have I done something wrong here ?

Whats the best way to fix it ?





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Incase anyone else has the same issue. Somehow the drive became partially corrupted. I believe due to it writting data to disk at the time while the OS locked up. (lock up was unstability due to to high set XMP settings, nothing to to with unRaid).


To fix the isssue you need to repair the drive. This deleted the dodgy file and it all worked a treat after.


See to learn how to fix the drive: 



Edited by kjones
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