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migrating current build to faster specs


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So my current situation is as follows: 


Supermicro X9SCL

Intel® Xeon® CPU E31260L @ 2.40GHz
16GiB DDR3

4x12TB + 12TB Parity

Samsung 860 1TB Pool


I have a number of docker containers running things like plex/deluge/calibre/ghost/photo management etc.  I am interested in using Unraid for bare metal virtualization as well, which I currently do not do.  For instance I would like to consolidate my other box which currently houses Proxmox, running 2 VMs, MacOS Big Sur and Arch Linux.  I would rather consolidate all of this into Unraid.  Additionally, the current specs I have for my Unraid box are beginning to show their limitations.  For instance I run a code-server container that lags quite a bit.  With VMs also running, this machine will not be able to handle it.  I've already tested out running Catalina with Macinabox and it is... not good. 


My two questions to ya'll are 

1. If I simply transplant my raid card, network card, hard drives, and OS installation straight into a new mobo + cpu + ram + new graphics card, will Unraid recognize the new hardware and continue on without a hitch? Or are there going to be hurdles doing this sort of hardware migration? 


2. Need recommendations on what to upgrade. 


Currently thinking I want to move to EPYC + radeon gpu, but I'm not sure what the compatibility for that looks like with Big Sur and SpaceInvaderOne's Macinabox for instance.  Ideally I don't want to spend more than 1K on upgrading, but we can go higher if necessary.  Is there a setup I can go to that is cheaper than an all-out modern EPYC system?  I don't particularly care for power consumption savings (ahem intel is fine).  


Anything I'm missing when considering this upgrade path? 


Much love.



Edited by bigdbag
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1. I have been doing some testing with this recently and it should be yes. The only issue I have seen is being stupid and forgetting to change the BIOS settings of the new motherboard to match. So I had a small panic attack for a second when I forgot to enable cpu virtualization. and then another when I forgot to enable iommu but then everything worked out fine.


2. I do not want to speak to much on this topic because everyone's power requirements are different. But it seems to me that 1K for a system that can handle everything you want to throw at it is realistic when you are going to have to do new mobo. cpu, ram, and gpu. At least if the plan is all new.

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