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Ubuntu VM unable to connect to network after trying to passthrough a GPU

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I have an ubuntu VM that had been running fine for a few months, I decided to pass through my spare GTX 1660 to hardware accelerate some transcoding. The pass through failed, (never got passed the guest has not initialize the display (yet) screen), there are already some forum posts which I am using to troubleshoot but decided to remove the GPU from the configuration and start the VM again but after this I had an issue connecting to the internet from the VM.

I concluded I must of messed up the config somehow so I made a new VM using the same disk but strangely the new config using the same disk also is unable to load up the network device. I cannot copy out of VNC so I have attached some screenshots of my ifconfig, ifconfig -a and some other commands.

I also created a new VM on Ubuntu with a fresh disk and that was able to connect to the internet.

Appreciate any help with this. Google seems to be failing me.

image (51).png

image (52).png

image (53).png

image (54).png

vm.xml apollo-diagnostics-20211028-1859.zip

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