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Recovering unrecognized file systems on vdisk partitions

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I recently had an issue where my cache pool got messed up while swapping disks in and out (trying to remove an NVMe disk to use separately for VMs)


Unfortunately, something happened and unRAID wanted to format all 4 disks. I was able to recover all the data using btrs restore (I had appdata backups as well using the plugin)


However this did not work for my VM vdisk. The only way I could copy this off to my array was to use tar, which appeared to work. So I have a copy of the vdisk, that at least is the correct size.


When I copy this back to the pool setup for VMs now and setup a VM to use it I cannot boot past the UEFI shell. Using a gparted live disk I can view the disk and I see 3 correctly sized partitions, but they all say unrecognized file systems.


Running testdisk does not recognize any file systems to recover as well. It sees them, but then after running analyze it doesn't find anything.


I fear the vdisk is actually corrupt, but hoping someone here has an idea to help.


I hadn't quite got around to setting up a backup plan for this VM, so unfortunately I really need to recover the data on this VM or I am starting over on a lot of things.


VM is a Ubuntu 21 server if that matters. Willing to post any logs that would help.

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