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Parity Error

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I have a bit of a problem. 


Last night I was installing some add-ons, Time Machine, Mail and power down.  I went to log in to the web browser and the page would not come up right.  The page loaded but there was no drive info or buttons.  I went back into unmenu and it loaded ok, I did a clean power down.  I have also noticing that none of the icons in MyMain will load, no picture of server.  I don’t know if this is related to my problem?


Now to my main problem, when the server rebooted it went into a Parity-Check and found one error.  I noticed that my parity drive comes up in orange in the system log (minor issues). My question is should I run correct parity??


I have attached my system log.  I am running 5.0-beta6a.  Please let me know if you need any other info.




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I did a little more investigating.  I figured out why I lost the web browser.  I installed PHP hoping to diagnose my parity drive with UnMenu. ??? 


I used the power down script thinking that I got a clean power down.  I think I may have gotten a dirty power down because parity check launched on its own on power up.  This would probably explain why I have a parity error?


So I am thinking, the next thing to do would be to run parity sync?

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