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Troubles with Torrent Uploading


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Hi friendly community,


(Pardon my broken English, non-native speaker)


I have a problem with uploading using qBittorrent in docker. I got qb running just fine for quite a while. It's been downloading and uploading(sharing) just fine with torrents from several different BT and PT sites. But recently I joined a new PT site, and download was just fine. However, it never upload any data. You can see there's leaches under trackers section, however, everytime I try to force reannouce, the peer would show up in the list for a few seconds and get kicked for some reason with no data transfer ever happening.


I'm located in China, so I do have a VPN service (trojan to be specific) set up on my router. Here's the config.


Fiber modem (only do the optic to electric conversion) -> a router running esxi with RouterOS and OpenWRT running in paralell (RouterOS doing the dial for ISP also DHCP, and OpenWRT doing redirecting traffic that needs to go through VPN) -> a switch -> unraid server (which contain the docker of qb)


Other torrents are uploading just fine. And I thought there's something wrong with the new PT site. But then I installed a Windows VM on the router (under esxi). And the upload was flawless on that machine.


Now for the diagnoses, I've already tried tweaking almost every possible settings in qb, including but not limited to, change ports, disable encryption, anonymous mode, use uPnP/NAT-PMP port forwarding from router and etc.


Please if there's anyone has any comment, it'd be greatly appreciated. It's driving me crazy now...


In the attachment is the settings and tracker screenshot.


BTW, what's the difference between bridge and host in the network settings? A tutorial or guide page would be great.


Thanks a lot in advance!!!!!

settings for qb docker.PNG

torrent tracker info.PNG

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