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[V6.9.2] - Incomplete certificate_bundle.pem when provisioning certificate for SSL

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I have an issue where after taking server offline to make some hardware changes I couldn't access the web gui once server booted back up. I saw from searching forum some similar issues and was able to resolve and get it working again by deleting the SSL folder on the flash drive.


But now when I try to provision a new certificate on the management access page it creates it but the file is incomplete leading to the below error when rebooting server and I now have to delete the SSL folder before any reboot. To workaround it for the time being I am just not going to provision another cetificate but I would like to be able to use SSL again.



Feb 18 13:18:12 Asgard root: nginx: [emerg] cannot load certificate "/etc/ssl/certs/unraid_bundle.pem": PEM_read_bio_X509() failed (SSL: error:0908F066:PEM routines:get_header_and_data:bad end line)
Feb 18 13:18:12 Asgard root: nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed
Feb 18 13:18:12 Asgard root: Invalid configuration, Nginx not reloaded
Feb 18 13:18:12 Asgard emhttpd: shcmd (1689): exit status: 1


When I look at the certificate that has been saved in the boot folder it looks like it is incomplete i.e. it should end with -----END CERTIFICATE----- but it looks like the file is getting cut of before the end.


I am hoping someone can steer me in the right direction here because I have deleted the SSL folder and tried provisioning a new cert several times now and everytime the file looks like the below where it just cuts off.


I have attached diagnostics.




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Yep - I'm seeing the exact same behavior here.  HUGELY frustrating as I've been pulling my hair out and spent like 12 hours trying different approaches to get my SSL access back before I figured out it is almost certainly related to this.   I believe I have an older cert as well so that will buy me a little time I suppose, but I think this is a defect that needs a ticket opened.


NOTE:  The length of my older PEM file is 15,844 bytes, and the problematic one here is 12,000 bytes.

Edited by BurntOC
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