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Router Causing Random UnRaid Crashes

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Hey all. 


Dealing with Unraid just keeps crashing and it's killing me. I made this reddit post and thought I had made progress... but nope. Still crashing. 


There is some suggestion that the my UDM Pro's endpoint scanner might cause issues. Not sure how that would actually cause UnRaid to crash and additionally it does so at random / infrequently. Connections from the router to precede every crash. Logs such as:


Feb 18 07:27:29 NAS vsftpd[27280]: connect from (
Feb 18 07:27:29 NAS vsftpd[27285]: connect from (
Feb 18 07:27:29 NAS vsftpd[27289]: connect from (
Feb 18 07:27:29 NAS vsftpd[27299]: connect from (
Feb 18 07:27:29 NAS vsftpd[27301]: connect from (
Feb 18 07:27:29 NAS vsftpd[27303]: connect from (
Feb 18 07:27:29 NAS vsftpd[27305]: connect from (
Feb 18 07:27:29 NAS vsftpd[27307]: connect from (
Feb 18 07:27:29 NAS vsftpd[27309]: connect from (
Feb 18 07:27:29 NAS vsftpd[27311]: connect from (
Feb 18 07:27:40 NAS smbd[27283]: [2022/02/18 07:27:40.069165,  0] ../../source3/smbd/process.c:341(read_packet_remainder)
Feb 18 07:27:40 NAS smbd[27283]:   read_fd_with_timeout failed for client read error = NT_STATUS_END_OF_FILE.
Feb 18 08:19:08 NAS emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdg
Feb 18 09:06:24 NAS emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdc
Feb 18 09:09:18 NAS emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdk


This happens often within the logs... and I'm seeing a crash every couple days. Disabling the endpoint scanner on the UDMP has been somewhat difficult. However, I'm thinking the actual cause isn't being captured and given the frequency of those logs, it just is the last thing written to the log before crashing. 


The rig has been running in its current configuration for ~6 months before crashes started. I've disabled SSH/TELNET, replaced the USB drive, performed extended smart checks on all the drives...


Any ideas on what to actually check next?



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