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[SOLVED] Error: "Volume label must be UNRAID"

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The process to make bootable the flash key always return the error:


"Volume label must be UNRAID"


Of course I follow the steps, format the flash device, labeling UNRAID all caps, etc.


I've even tried with two different keys, also I've tried format it with WXP and W7. Nothing results, always the same error. What's wrong?

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The process to make bootable the flash key always return the error:


"Volume label must be UNRAID"


Of course I follow the steps, format the flash device, labeling UNRAID all caps, etc.


I've even tried with two different keys, also I've tried format it with WXP and W7. Nothing results, always the same error. What's wrong?

Perhaps your flash drive has U3 software on it?    It has been known to cause issues.


Joe L.

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  • 2 months later...

I just want to say that I had the same error.

I tested with WinXP and Win7 too. My usb key is a simple drive without specific software.


I think this error is perhaps due to differents cultures ?

I'm french and volume information return:

Le volume dans le lecteur H s'appelle UNRAID

Le numéro de série du volume est 58C6-5134


I suspect the ' symbol, or perhaps too much words ?

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  • 3 years later...

Just modify the .bat with this:


@echo off

rem v1.0 Script to make the USB Flash device from which this is run bootable.

rem v1.1 Priviledge check code contributed by forum member "Spectrum"

rem v1.2 Include 'f' switch to syslinux invokation to handle devices not marked "removeable"


echo Make Bootable v1.2


ATTRIB %windir%\system32 -h | FINDSTR /I "denied" >nul



ECHO This script must be run as an Administrator.


ECHO Right click and select 'Run as administrator' or execute

ECHO from an elevated command prompt.


GOTO exit



rem Output volume information

vol %~d0


rem Find the volume label

for /f "tokens=1-5*" %%1 in ('vol %~d0') do (

  set label=%%6

  goto valid




if "%label%"=="UNRAID" goto valid

echo Error: volume label must be UNRAID

goto exit




echo %~d0\syslinux\syslinux.exe -maf %~d0

%~d0\syslinux\syslinux.exe -maf %~d0

echo Completed





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  • 4 years later...

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