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Plex Playback periodically stops or won’t start. Sometimes returns playback error: Error code: s1003 (Network)

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Using the Plexinc Plex Container, I didn't see a thread for it in the container section and honestly i'm not sure if it's a container specific issue.


Server Version#:
Player Version#: Plexweb 4.81.1
I don’t see any obvious errors in the logs, so I’m not sure what to check next.
Setup info: Unraid server, plex running from a docker share /mnt/user/appdata/Plex set to prefer cache drive, Plex data is at /mnt/user/video/shows,movies and is set to Cache yes and the cache drive is an unencrypted seperate cache drive. I have a RTX 2060 as a hardware transcoder that seems to work fine. I’m also pulling down alot of data from my google unlimited drive, but the hardware doesn’t seem to be overtaxed.

Any ideas on where to start troubleshooting?

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