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Content creation workflow and storage best practices


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I am primarily a Lightroom and Photoshop user but occasionally do some video work too.


I have always ingested my raw media to my unraid server via a cache linked share and worked directly from that share on my workstation. The Mover script would then move it off my cache drive when I was not longer using those files for permanent archiving. My network is only 1000Mbps.


I have noticed things are a bit slow while working lately and I wanted to make some improvements. My thoughts were:


1. Continue with the same workflow but upgrade to 2.5GBe or 10GBe

2. Work with my files locally on the workstation and move to the unraid server after


Option 2 will obviously result in the best performance but it also has the potential to cause hassle with library/catalog linking and versioning issues with files.


What are others doing? Is there a good way of syncing files between my workstation and unraid? Ways to increase network performance? Or Adobe software configuration tips? 

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I moved from Lightroom to Digicam. I know it's not a solution to your problem with Lightroom, but maybe?


Your choices, above: 1) Continue and upgrade won't work (imho), and 2) That's why I dropped Lightroom, despite my wife screaming at me because she liked it so much.


On 7/17/2022 at 11:52 AM, Jdiesel said:

What are others doing?

I use Digikam. The database is MariaDB via Unraid Docker (shared; no local crap). Because I know my family will never figure out Linux, I backup to a NTSF usb for them (<-- YES they do know what and where it is). Ooops... You didn't ask about backup. :)


I can't pretend to know how many photos/videos you are processing every day (because you didn't offer).


I hope this helps.





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