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Unusual Hang/stall with Webvnc/VNC/Spice connections to VMs

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So my VMs have worked fine in the past with VNC or Spice.



I haven't updated anything recently, but I've noticed when I connect to any of my VMs with VNC or spice, the session halts/freezes/stalls after 20 seconds or so. I can immediately reconnect and continue on where I left off. I haven't seen any error in the unraid host logs, nor in any of the remote clients that are connecting (remmina, tigervnc, remote-viewer). The VNC clients just sit there until I close them. But remote-viewer after closes itself like it loses connection after the stall has happened for a bit. When I reconnect, I dont see any issue with time in the system and processes seem to continue even when the display stalls. I've tried running ping while connecting and my connection to the server never drops any packets or has huge spikes.



Any thoughts?


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