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USB Drive frequenetly disconnects


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I have an external USB drive I use for storing some of my VM drive images.  I mount it using the Unassigned Devices Plugin.  It frequently stops responding and gives an i/o failure. 


What I've Tried that doesn't work:

Physically unplugging and re-plugging in the drive doesn't help.

Replaced the USB drive enclosure with a new one.

Unmount the drive from the CLI, usually won't work because it's "busy", but lsof can't read it to find open files.


The only thing that seems to bring it back is to physically unplug the drive, move it to my desktop ubuntu machine and plug it in.  The drive usually auto-mounts and works fine.  Then I can move it back to the Unraid server and manually re-mount it from the CLI.  Sometimes I have to change the UUID (because Unraid still thinks its mounted) or sometimes it just works. 


Any suggestions why it seems to get dropped frequently?  The USB boot drive is never an issue, so it doesn't seem to be a USB problem. 


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