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Using Zsh-z in Unraid

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Hi all,


I've been using zsh and oh-my-zsh for a few weeks now after following a few guides and everything seems to be working. Yesterday I discovered zsh-z and was excited to try it out. Well it works, except for tab completion. When I first started using it, tab did nothing at all, and now that I've used it a bit, pressing tab will populate the line with the highest ranked suggestion and show me a menu of other matching directories that I've visited, but it will not complete the names of directories in my current working directory. For example, with the following directory structure:


├── foo
│   └── bar
├── bar
└── some
    └── other
        └── directory
            └── containing
                └── bar


If my working directory is /foo and I type "z b <tab>" then I might get the suggestion

z /some/other/directory/containing/bar

if that's the only matching directory I've ever visited using z.


I don't think this is the intended behavior, though I could be wrong. I know it shouldn't be exactly like cd, because that's the whole point, but if I have to manually type in every directory I visit until I've gone through my entire filesystem then that sort of defeats the purpose of this tool.


The github repo specifically mentions running "autoload -U compinit && compinit" to get tab completion working, however compinit is already run by oh-my-zsh after loading plugins. Nevertheless I tried adding it explicitly to my .zshrc, but not surprisingly it had no effect on tab completion.


One clue is that I have the zsh-syntax-highlighting plugin, and the "z" in the command above does not get colored as a command but rather remains white. I suspect this is related, since tab completion works everywhere else that I'd expect it to.


Here is my .zshrc file:

export ZSH="/root/.oh-my-zsh"





source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh

# User configurations

alias l='ls -lFh'     #size,show type,human readable
alias la='ls -lAFh'   #long list,show almost all,show type,human readable
alias drst='docker restart'

# Completion style for zsh-z
zstyle ':completion:*' menu select

# Set zsh-autosuggestion configuration:
ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_STRATEGY=(match_prev_cmd completion)


I have zsh installed from the NerdTools plugin, and the following script executes at first startup of array:



mkdir -p $OH_MY_ZSH_THEMES

# Install zsh-autosuggestions
if [ ! -d "$OH_MY_ZSH_PLUGINS/zsh-autosuggestions" ]; then
        echo "  -> Installing zsh-autosuggestions..."
        git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions $OH_MY_ZSH_PLUGINS/zsh-autosuggestions
        echo "  -> zsh-autosuggestions already installed"

# Install zsh-syntax-highlighting
if [ ! -d "$OH_MY_ZSH_PLUGINS/zsh-syntax-highlighting" ]; then
        echo "  -> Installing zsh-syntax-highlighting..."
        git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git $OH_MY_ZSH_PLUGINS/zsh-syntax-highlighting
        echo "  -> zsh-syntax-highlighting already installed"

chsh -s /bin/zsh

# Remove oh-my-zsh default .zshrc and zsh-z default .z
rm /root/.zshrc
rm /root/.z

# Make sure the necessary directories are existing
mkdir -p /root/.cache/zsh/
mkdir -p /boot/config/extra/

# Make sure history file exists
touch /boot/config/extra/history

# Symlink .zshrc and history files
cp -sf /boot/config/extra/.zshrc /root/.zshrc
cp -sf /boot/config/extra/history /root/.cache/zsh/history
cp -sf /boot/config/extra/.z /root/.z	# Tracks "frecency" of directories for zsh-z, so needs to be persisten

chmod 755 $OH_MY_ZSH_PLUGINS/zsh-autosuggestions
chmod 755 $OH_MY_ZSH_PLUGINS/zsh-syntax-highlighting
chmod 755 $OH_MY_ZSH_ROOT/cache/completions


Can anyone see what's wrong with this configuration?

Edited by bdben
Added context of working directory to example
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