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Installed a new SATA card, and preclear @ 2.6MB/s

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Hey guys.

I installed a new raid card, the 4 Port Adaptech that is suggested on the raid card controller thread.  When I run preclear_disk.sh against it only clears at 2.6MB/s.  I can't seem to figure out why it is going so slow.


I have a Biostar H55: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813138307&cm_re=biostart_H55-_-13-138-307-_-Product


I am not sure if this is normal or if there is anything I needed to do in the bios.


Please let me know if you need further information.

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1st change your sata and power cables. They might be loose.

Then connect the sata on another port on the card to see if it improves.

Move the card onto another pci.


Also, try with only that card and that disk. Remove everything else (raid cards, disks, wathever is connected to your unRAID).

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