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Application Drives not part of the Array

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I can't find much on the wiki or via search on this.


I'm going to use a 320GB drive for my applications (downloading sab/CP/SB). My problem is I can't find any information on if I have to format the 'application drive' (not part of the array). I've read how to mount it but I can't find anywhere which says whether I should preclear the drive, format it to anything or use disk management on it. I've only found how to really "mount the disk".


Can I just preclear my 320GB drive. Use Snap to mount and share the drive and then install all my stuff on it and make the programs automove to my media share?

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Preclear is a great way to test out the drive for weakness.  If you already trust the drive, then no need to preclear it.  Preclear does not format the drive.


When mounting a drive outside the array, you have the option of many file systems.  ReiserFS, Ext3/4, NTFS, and HFS are all supported.  All of them can be mounted as read-only shares, but I believe that only ReiserFS can be mounted as read/write (someone please correct me if I'm wrong).


SNAP is one way to mount the drive.  unMenu has this ability as well.  You can use whichever one you prefer.


If you aren't already using a cache drive, then you might want to consider assigning your drive as an unRAID cache drive instead of mounting it manually.  If you do this, unRAID will format the drive as ReiserFS and add some extra functionality as well.  See here for more info.

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Thank you.


I was contemplating a cache drive but the drive I have I think is pretty slow (5400) and I'm planning to buy a plus license when I expand my drive past 3 data drives.


(at the moment I have 2TB Parity, 2TB Data + 320GB drive spare). 

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Just because a drive is assigned to the cache slot in unRAID doesn't mean you need to use it as a traditional cache drive.  You can configure each user share to use or not use the cache drive.  If no user shares use the cache drive, then you can use it as just an apps drive with no other effect on the array.  However, the drive will be automatically formatted and mounted, which makes the whole process a bit easier for you if you don't want to deal with SNAP or unMenu.


You do need unRAID Plus or Pro to use a cache drive, so until you purchase an unRAID license you will have to use SNAP or unMenu instead.

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Thank you. I've snapped up a plus liscence and tommorow  I'll get the cache disk working and downloading (well downloading :)).


Since its a download drive, I'm guessing  a pre clear is not necc? Its an old drive and I'm really just trying to use it to download and move stuff..

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