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Manually moving (copying) files from a failing pool into array

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Hi,  I have a btfrs pool device (hdd) that is failing, showing as rw when array starts then as  completely full and read-only within a couple minutes.   


To manually move the files to the array, would this be the correct process/or would there be a better method?   It has about 60 TB of data needing to be copied if that makes a difference.

  • Understanding  user0 is without items on the cache drive
  • pool drive = 'hdd'
  • folder to copy = 'data'

 Think opening terminal and:

cp -R /media/hdd/data/.*  /media/user0/data/


Thanks in advance



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So - bumping my topic with a bit of new info.

Basically, Pool 'hdd' is mounted as read only - I'm sure I filled it and caused btfrs to puke.

Wanting to 'move' the data into the array, but obviously mover fails as pool is read-only:


Apr  3 17:36:35 Tower root: file: /mnt/hdd/data/[path]/[filename]
Apr  3 17:36:35 Tower root: create_parent: /mnt/hdd/data/[path]/ error: Read-only file system


I'm thinking this should do the trick, using cp or cpg (think cpg won't show progress if I tee output), creating also an output  file to check : 



cp -vR /mnt/hdd/data/* /mnt/user0/data/  | tee hddfilelist


Is there a better method to move a large (60 TB) number of files off a failing read-only pool?



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Can you get a USB drive and copy stuff to it?


6 hours ago, schreibman said:

Is there a better method to move a large (60 TB) number of files off a failing read-only pool?


I'm going to say "no".


Be happy/thankfull that you can get stuff off the drive. An SSD would give you sh*t/nothing.


I hope you save everything and expect you'll save all but a bit (and the bit won't matter).


MrGrey. :)



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