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Problems with Unraid Server networking since yesterday afternoon.

Go to solution Solved by Kendo,

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Unraid Os 6.11.5


I was tinkering yesterday morning with Adguard Home and then Nginx and when I got home my Unraid box seemed to have crashed. I couldn't reach my Unraid server through the ip-webinterface nor putty-terminal. I had set up a virtual docker network and could still see that that was up (and could get into the wubgui of Adguard, Sonarr and Qbit-torrent).


Plugging in a monitor and keyboard got no response. So I hard booted the server and it came back up with the Docker network address as it's IP interface. I did some digging and changed the network.cfg from:


# Generated network settings




# Generated network settings


And now I can connect on its original IP (238) but the containers don't talk to each other eg Sonarr, Prowlarr and Qbittorrent), the Myservers is down (I'm getting the API/cant reach mothership error message) and the CA interface is also unreachable. 


Help, I'm not expert with DNS/routing and its twisting my head somewhat.... (btw and can turn AdGuard Home on and off (and change settings in the router) but that doesn't seem to fix anything. I've also run the unraid-api restart command which doesnt seem to do anything.


Many thanks if you can point me in the right direction.


Edited by Kendo
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