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Embrace the future: Stop requiring "starting the array" to use Unraid


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Long term, everything will be SSD. Maybe not now, maybe not in 5 years, but 10+? Spinning platters are on their way out, much like ICE cars. To survive, unraid needs to pivot into a parity method that works with SSDs (probably easy), but also - focus on unraid's other huge strength: Easy GUI management of a home server! I was drawn to unraid not for it's unique parity abilities, but rather because of its straightforward management of docker containers and VMs, with a helpful and active community to provide support. The first step towards getting more people (noobs) like me into the ecosystem is to do away with the requirement to start an array to run docker containers. Sure you can plug in a dummy USB for a cache-only build, but why even make that a requirement? Make it easier for idiots like me to make this work without involving silly hardware hacks. Am I crazy?

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Why wouldn’t this meet your needs?

1. Add single disk to array

2. Set array to auto-start


That would seem to give you exactly what you’re asking for… no parity, no extra steps on reboot, and dockers/VMs able to run. 

Also: parity doesn’t have anything to do with spinning vs SSDs… any type of disk can fail. The existing parity methods work just fine with SSD. 

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