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Internal File Moving in the Unraid 5.0 Security Model


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So I upgraded to 5b12 a few days ago and everything went well.  I ran the permissions script (not really understanding it's purpose right away, just blindly following directions).  Anyway, over the past few days I've seen issues with Sickbeard, SABnzbd, Plex, access to files from Windows, etc.  I started realizing that I still had my key addons running as root, I found the excellent guide by sacretagent to fix that an let the addons run as nobody.  However, I had a question related to something I do a lot, moving files between disks right in the console.


I typically use MC to do this.  Can I simply run:  su nobody -c "mc" in order to have mc not run as root and cause permissions problems on moved files?  Thanks in advance.


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