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Docker "Extra Parameters" only seem to run on creation of container, not starting of container


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I have a docker container that connects to my personal weather station (PWS) that is connected through USB. This device will randomly disconnect and reconnect (it's a "feature" of the panel), so I created some rules to give the device a name. This name is static, and will update when it reconnects. Let's say the device is /dev/mypws.


In Extra Parameters, I have this "--device=$(readlink -f /dev/mypws)"

This works great! When I create the container, everything works flawlessly.


However, when I restart the container, it doesn't run again, so the container still has the old endpoint. I would love for this command to run every time it starts. How do I get it to do that?


I have tried passing /dev/mypws as a device to the docker container, but it doesn't seem to like that very much for some reason.


If anyone has any ideas on how to pass the device in a way I haven't thought of, or some way to run the command every time I start the container, that would be fantastic.

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I was able to make a workaround using user scripts, but it's definitely not my favorite.


echo $(date -u) "Starting Script"
devloc=$(readlink -e /dev/mypws)
echo $(date -u) "PWS is at: $devloc"
echo $(date -u) "Starting device watchdog..."
while :; do
    newloc=$(readlink -e /dev/mypws)
    if [[ "$devloc" != "$newloc" ]];then
        if [[ "$newloc" != "" ]];then
            echo $(date -u) "Device detected at a different node, running script"
        if [ -e /dev/mypws ]
            echo $(date -u) "PWS Connected, setting permissions"
            sudo chown nobody:users /dev/bus/usb/003/* 
            sudo chmod 777 /dev/bus/usb/003/* 
            echo $(date -u) "Stopping Weewx"
            docker stop Weewx >> /dev/null
            echo $(date -u) "Removing Weewx"
            docker rm Weewx >> /dev/null
            echo $(date -u) "Restarting Weewx"
            docker run -d --name='Weewx' --net='bridge' --cpuset-cpus='2,8' -e TZ="America/Chicago" -e HOST_OS="Unraid" -e HOST_HOSTNAME="tower" -e HOST_CONTAINERNAME="Weewx" -e 'TIMEZONE'='America/Chicago' -e 'WEEWX_UID'='99' -e 'WEEWX_GID'='100' -l net.unraid.docker.managed=dockerman -l net.unraid.docker.icon='https://www.weewx.com/images/weewx-logo-128x128.png' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/weewx':'/data':'rw' --device=$(readlink -e /dev/mypws) 'felddy/weewx' >> /dev/null
            echo $(date -u) "Weewx Restarted"
            echo $(date -u) "PWS is now at: $devloc"
            echo $(date -u) "Resuming folder monitoring..."
            echo $(date -u) "Device not connected"
    sleep 10


Edited by Aathroser
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