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GPU Suggestions?


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I used to build PCs back when I was a kid, but that was years ago now and I'm trying to catch my hardware knowledge up to current specs. I have Unraid running on an old computer that was given to me.

Motherboard – Gigabyte G1.Sniper Z97
CPU – Intel® Core™ i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
RAM – 16GB
GPU – Geforce GTS 250 1GB RAM


I was thinking of giving the GPU a little upgrade. My goal is to be able to run AOE2:HD in a VM on this rig. The current GPU won't do it (and I can't even get it to passthrough in a VM). What GPU would you suggest? Is a GPU upgrade worth it or would I basically need to start from the motherboard on up? My limited research has me concluding that some of the other components still have some value, but we're talking almost a 9 year old rig here from the looks of it.


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