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[Support] NightMeer ApachePHP8-Docker

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  • 3 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Lionel60 said:

I've installed your ApachePHP8-docker but I can't find where the php.ini is to indicate the extension to use to access my MariaDB database?
PS: Since I'm not fluent in English, I used a translation program.




Good question.

I will try to add it today or tomorrow so that it will be available in 1-2 days. Unfortunately I forgot to include/export the PHP folder. 

Per Default the Mysqli Extension is installed and enabled. So you can use PHP commands to Connect to the Database.


I hope this is the Answer you want/need.

Edited by NightMeer
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  • NightMeer changed the title to [Support] NightMeer ApachePHP8-Docker
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...


Thank you for the container, nice to a one that has PHP 8.


I am writing something in PHP and wanted to fork some child processes for certain http requests using pcntl_fork, however, it does not look like it is enabled in your container. 


Would you happen to have a version where pcntl is enabled or could you enable it and include the module?


Thank you 






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On 1/11/2024 at 8:12 PM, piyper said:


Thank you for the container, nice to a one that has PHP 8.


I am writing something in PHP and wanted to fork some child processes for certain http requests using pcntl_fork, however, it does not look like it is enabled in your container. 


Would you happen to have a version where pcntl is enabled or could you enable it and include the module?


Thank you 








I have added pcntl

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  • 4 weeks later...

How do you enable additional sites? I tried following the standard Apache2 method of enabling an additional site on a different port but it fails. I also tried adding an additional port to the configuration and it does not map host to container.


I would like to host an addition site in /var/www/html/site2 on port 81. How do I do this?


Thanks in advance.

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On 2/22/2024 at 7:46 PM, Michele Pietsch said:

Hello, I want to set port 443, how can I do that? When I add it in the settings nothing happens.

Assuming your network type on the docker is bridged, you probably want to stay away from using  80 or 443 to avoid any conflicts with unraid itself.

You could use 443 and 80 if you like, but you should then setup the docker to have a different IP address than your unraid server.  


To do this, you have to create a custom docker network, then choose that as your network type, you can then assign a new IP address. Make sure it is not within the range of your DHCP server IP range if you are using an IP within the same subnet.


You would use the "docker network create SOMENAME" command to create a custom network, then you can specify a different IP in your docker when you select that network type.



1) Check that in your docker settings (settings->docker->advanced view) you have "Preserve user defined networks" set to yes.

2) Create custom docker network

3) select that custom network in your docker container settings

4) assign an IP (that will not conflict with your DHCP range)

5) set the container ports to be 80 and 443 


Your web app should now respond on the browser default ports at that new IP address.


Edited by piyper
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am working a utility that connects to multiple databases.


Could you please some data database driver extensions  ?



if there are specific ones for MS SQL Server or Oracle, I wouldn't mind those, but I think ODBC would cover those.


Thank you!

Edited by piyper
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Sorry for a bit of a newbie question, but how would I go about installing python support for apache using this Docker?  I think I need to add a2enmod cgid - is it possible to do this from the setup so I can do across multiple sites rather than doing any manual configuration? 

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/10/2023 at 9:28 PM, NightMeer said:



I have added the two extensions. 


However, the SOAP module is no longer included in the current version. I added the docker-php-ext-soap.ini file with appropriate content and it loads too, but obviously the soap.so module doesn't exist. SOAP is not displayed with phpinfo. Can this be added back?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I tried to use "apt install php8.3-soap" to add the soap client. But this module cannot be found. So I tried to add the repository "ppa:ondrej/php", but adding repositories is not possible in your docker image. What can I do?

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Hi everyone,

Unfortunately, I have neglected to develop this further for a longer period of time. Please submit all open requests as a Github issue so that I can work them off one by one.

I'm sorry that everything has slipped so far behind.

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On 2/10/2024 at 12:04 AM, unconscious-leech1642 said:

How do you enable additional sites? I tried following the standard Apache2 method of enabling an additional site on a different port but it fails. I also tried adding an additional port to the configuration and it does not map host to container.


I would like to host an addition site in /var/www/html/site2 on port 81. How do I do this?


Thanks in advance.


Personaly i would Start a Second Container on that Port.
But i can try to implement it.

This was my First Docker so its possible that there is a mistake on my part.

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