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containers and vms gone after reboot

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Hi, I've googled and found some other posts about this, but none of them really apply to my situation or provide any help.


I'm brand new to unRaid. I'm still in the process of moving media to the array, but I had multiple containers and a Win11 VM setup and working.


Today a disk finished transferring its files, so I have started and stopped the array a few times as I was adding new disks to the array. I also rebooted to apply the headless operation to the syslinux bootup command, so I could passthrough my single graphics card. After the reboot I don't have any containers or VM's. appdata is still there and full of my container configs, so I realize I can get them back with previous installed apps, but I'm trying to find out why this happened so I can avoid it in the future.


I've tried rebooting again, but no luck. I originally had my system/appdata/isos/domains folders in the array and added a cache pool after the fact. I didn't really understand how /mnt/user/ worked at that point and ended up deleting everything in appdata. So I reinstalled my containers and reconfigured them with appdata set to cache.


My docker and VM settings point to /mnt/user/system/ which is a share with cache as the primary (and only) drive. The .img files are there and not empty, but still no dockers or vm's show up in their respective tabs.


I've tried restarting docker and vm's through the unraid gui, but nothing changes. I'm confused, any help would be appreciated.


Edited by satirical-pronouncement4777
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well there's nothing in /etc/libvirt/qemu. So it looks like I'm dealing with an empty libvirt.img. But why, it was fine before I rebooted.


I added my addons back with previous installed addons. I'm going to attempt to install this VM, but without the XML I'm pretty sure activation is going to fuck me.


Then I'm going to reboot and cross my fingers they don't all disappear again. I just don't understand how this could happen. Nothing changed on the libvirt front. I added video=efifb:off to the syslinux config, I'm not sure how that would change anything with vm's and docker.

Edited by satirical-pronouncement4777
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