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seeking suggestions for proper offsite backup


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After a week of research about the cloud provider i found a fitting s3 compatible cloud storage


Now i know this topic has already been opened hundreds of times but yet I did not manage to find a complete answer


premise: as of today i m moving all drives and pool to zfs but yet i m not going to a zfs compatible backup (so no zsend/zreceive like rsync.net)


This means I m sticking to the good old rsync/rclone so I m looking to:


-> I do not care for incremental backups, for me is ok if once a day evertything gets sent again

-> client-side encryption

-> versioning, now my provider provides versioning but I guess wont work with binary encrypted files ( I would like a "keep last 3 versions" approach for instance)

-> ideally I would like to switch to a zfs so that if scrub flags me some errors i can just restore that single file, now yet i do not know how and if is possible to schedule a scrub with zfs in unraid and if would be possible to restore a single file if the remote is encrypted


plus as i understood if i would instead go for a zfs zsend the backup would be on the /mnt/diskX and that in my opinion would break the unraid philisophy since you should be very careful in which drive is saving what, with an rsync based approach i should instead be able to backup the user share sight instead /mnt/user/share if i understood well


now i saw some users using scripts, others using middleware containers that can encrypt and still manage the versioning on their own


I mean thats all I am looking for, yet dont manage to find a path, does something on the "Apps" already exists or i have to go with scripts?


thank you all




Edited by mich2k
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